Friday, March 25, 2005

Proud of My Team, Embarrased By a Few Idiots

WVU's improbable roll through the NCAA tournament continued last night with victory over Texas Tech down in The Pit (and the WVU women advanced to the NIT Final Four, knocking of Wake Forrest [again]). However, it was only a matter of time before a few idiots in Morgantown took the opportunity to "celebrate" by being destructive. Motown police reported at least 50 small fires, including one using an overturned car, were set last night after the win. I've never understood the urge to break shit when you win something (shouldn't be the other way around, at least?). At the very least, it makes the school and the state look a little bit more like the bunch of classless hicks that many Americans think we are. So please, reveling Morgantonians - fight the desire to burn and break stuff when we beat Louisville. You're not doing the team or the alums any favors.

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