Monday, September 29, 2008

Fuck Ronald Reagan!

There, I said it. And I mean it.

As jedi jawa has pointed out during his yeoman's slog through the right-wing radio world, the ghost of Ronald Reagan lurks in every nook and cranny of GOP politics. If zombie Reagan appeared on the horizon and could get around the 22nd Amendment, he'd win the GOP presidential nomination in a landslide. Or at least it seems that why. How else can you explain this:

Representative Darrell Issa, a Republican, said he was 'resolut[e]'" in his opposition to the [failed bailout] measure because it would betray party principles and amount to 'a coffin on top of Ronald Reagan's coffin.'
Now, perhaps there are good reasons to vote down this bailout plan, but "it might make zombie Reagan cry" is surely not one of them! Come up with something better.

While I'm on the subject of the bailout - it's being reported that some House Republicans decided to vote against the plan after Nancy Pelosi took to the House floor and made a speech that slammed Duhbya's economic record. It might have been enough to swing the vote. Really?

To the Republicans - grow the fuck up! Voting against a plan to save the (inter)national economy, which your own president submitted, by the way, because someone hurt your feelings is the mark of a petulant child, not a leader. Shoot back in the press afterwards, for fuck's sake.

To Pelosi - are you that goddammed dense? You need support from the other side to get this thing passed, so you figure now is the right time to launch a rhetorical broadside against the same folks whose votes you need?!? I'm no political expert, but I sure know that it's not the best idea to, say, start an oral argument by telling the court, "good morning, you ignorant fucks." Of course, that wouldn't be an issue if you could rally your own damned party to do anything, but that's too much hope for at this point, I guess.

I will say one other thing, though. On NPR on the way home, one of the California Dems who voted against the plan (can't find a link, but I'm pretty sure I heard this right) said, in essence, that the predictions of doom are coming from the Bush administration and when was the last time you could believe anything they said? Imagine if the boy who cried wolf was Duhbya.


The Film Geek said...

Excellent post on what is amounting to a complete clusterfuck of the worst kind.

Spike Nesmith said...

It always amazes me how fondly remembered Reagan is over here, and HOW he's remembered. To we Johnny Foreigners, he was the scary alzheimer's-ridden old man who was going to end the world, and was a figure of ridicule. And of course, that whole "REAGUN WON TEH C0LD WAR LOL" mindset, completely glossing over everything that was going on in the USSR, including forward-thinking leadership.

But no, Reagan said "tear down this wall" and the communists got scared and complied. ....two years later.

crystal dawn said...

Watched a documentary on Reagan last night and it was amazing to find out how much clout Nancy had in the WH, especially in the second term. Perhaps she was the first to realize Reagan's mental demise.

Reagan really put our country in a bad spot, both in economic terms and the "on-edge" attitude with the rest of the world. I'm beginning to think this is simply a Republican flaw.

Regardless, I was very moved in the way Reagan handled his illness. In 1994, he hand wrote a letter to the American ppl that he was afflicted with Altzeimer's and he knew the hardship it was going to cause his family. For Reagan to have the cognitive realization that his mind was slipping away and the courage to not only admit it to himself but everyone around him, was very heartfelt.

But yeah, the Reagan worship has got to go. Especially since his whole philosophy of running the country has proven to be completely wrong.