Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Desmond and Molly Must Be Pissed

According to an online poll (as reported by the BBC), the worst song ever is "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" off The Beatles (aka "The White Album"). As we all know, the accuracy and credibility of online polls are beyond reproach, but I wonder how a Beatles tune topped a list that included such other musical luminaries as Vanilla Ice, Meat Loaf, and (for the love of the gods) ex-England midfielder Paul Gascoigne (who apparently recorded a version of "Fog on the Tyne" with quasi-proggers Lindisfarne). Just mining my CD collection, I can think of many worse tunes by otherwise good artists that make "Ob-La-Di" sound like the pinnacle of musical achievement. How about Rush's seminal "I Think I'm Going Bald" of Yes's "Love Will Find a Way" ("I eat at chez nous" - WTF is that, Trevor?)? Had I voted, my choice would be the entirety of Asgard's Gotterdamerung, which could be prosecuted as a crime against humanity.

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