Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Maybe Newdow Is On To Something . . .

When a church-state issue comes before the Supreme Court, such as the recent Pledge of Allegiance case, some commentators always bring up the fact that the House and Senate open their days with prayers. True enough, but if Tuesday's example is any indication, it's time for them to go as well. A Roman Catholic priest prayed for lawmakers to let religious faith be the guide for their votes and "be the antithesis of John Kennedy." Specifically, he said: "Almighty God, please change and convert the hearts of all the representatives in this House. May they be the antithesis of John Kennedy, may they be women and men of God, and may their faith influence and guide every vote they make." C'mon, folks, do we really need something that blatant when opening a session of Congress?!?

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