Tuesday, June 06, 2006

There's Always Money Behind the Bullshit

One of my favorite TV shows is Penn & Teller: Bullshit! on Showtime - if only because I really enjoy the way Pen lustfully belts out the word "bullshit." The show, with a distinctly libertarian bent, skewers various phenomena pointing out the, well, bullshit surrounding them. Last night's show took aim at the national abstinence education movement, in all its loony glory. Somewhat coincidentally, this diary over on Kos examines all the goodies on sale at the website of one of the leading abstinence group - that's right, apparently you need over $1000 worth of stuff to keep yourself "pure." My personal favorite:

The Abstinence Sucker.
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They make an abstinence sucker.

Not a lollipop. A sucker.

Alas, the sucker is cherry-flavored.

I thought for a long time about a suitable response to this. A long, long time.

So many ideas filled my head that my brain shut down and I fainted from overload.

Indeed, one wonders if those on the right have any sense of irony at all (maybe 9/11 really did kill it for them). Also, if it's so important to keep folks from any form of sex outside of marriage, shouldn't they give these things away?

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