Monday, December 08, 2008

An Interesting Development

In the wake of last month's terrorist attacks in Mumbai, there are a lot of burials going on. Or, in some cases, not going on (via Ed):

A Muslim graveyard in the heart of Mumbai has broken with Islamic tradition and refused to bury the bodies of nine terrorists who were killed during the attack on India's financial capital.

The influential Muslim Jama Masjid Trust, which runs the 7.5-acre Badakabrastan graveyard, said it would not bury the gunmen because they were not true followers of Islam.

Hanif Nalkhande, a spokesman for the trust, said: 'People who committed this heinous crime cannot be called Muslim. Islam does not permit this sort of barbaric crime.'
Often when attacks like these happens, some wags demand that the mass of peaceful Muslims stand up and speak out against them. I'm not one to get bent out of shape over burial plots, but it means something to members of that faith. In that sense, it's a positive development.

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