Friday, April 21, 2006

Album of Yesterday

Under the Table and Dreaming, by The Dave Matthews Band (1994): Yesterday was largely DMB day, due to various disruptions of the music listening process at work (how dare that happen!). As a result, I listened to all four of their albums that I have in isolation. As a result, I still think that this one, which vaulted the band to fame in the first place, is the best of the bunch. Maybe it was the lack of expectation I had when I first picked it up. Back in 1994 I'd, yet to tap into the prog underground and anything in the mainstream that seemed vaguely interesting I would check out. DMB's jazz-tinged acoustic pop struck the right chord in me at the time and I've yet to get it from them again in quite the same way. Oh yeah, and Carter Beauford is a monster of Portnoy and Peartian dimension.

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