Thursday, May 03, 2007

Mitt's Bad Taste in Sci-Fi

I really don't have it out for GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Even after he proclaimed that I can't be president and waffled through the Great White Hunter affair, it really doesn't make much difference to me as I'm not a Republican and thus don't have a vote to cast for or against him. At this point, at least. Nevertheless, he seems to be an endless source of amusement for those of us watching from afar.

Mitt's latest and greatest came in an interview with Fox News. When asked what his favorite novel was, his answer was the L. Ron Hubbard tome Battlefield Earth. While the book version of BE has not been as roundly panned as the atrocious film version (which, coincidentally, was on HBO this morning while I was getting ready to go to work), it's not exactly a classic of the genre. If Mitt's really a sci-fi fan, one would think he might go with classic Asimov, Bradbury, or Herbert. Or, if he wanted to give a Mormon shoutout, he could have tapped one of Orson Scott Card's Ender novels. Any would have been a better choice than BE, particularly for someone whose undergraduate field of study was English!

But, never fear, fans of Mitt. If this well-documented comment is correct, he's already answered this question many different ways. Which might make him a literary flip-flopper, but maybe he was just having Fox on? At least he had the right answer for the GOP's fundy base on the favorite book of any form question: The Bible.

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