Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Turkey Day

Before I shut down the Ranch for the long weekend, I wanted to pass along this story from today's New York Times about proper Thanksgiving etiquette and the struggle to maintain it:

I have a friend whose Thanksgiving meal went south just after her grandmother called her brother a cowardly Communist. Another friend’s nightmare began when her mother’s new boyfriend started talking about breasts, and he wasn’t referencing the turkey.
My personal favorite Thanksgiving disaster comes from a phone call to the Bob & Tom radio show last year from a woman whose parents had recently divorced after 28 years of marriage. At the first Thanksgiving after the split, mom went on a tirade about her ex that ended with her announcing (in the caller's words) "that man blanked me in the blank for 28 years and I've got the hemorrhoids to prove it!" The world's best pumpkin pie can't cover that up.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!


Unknown said...

Yeah, but the whip cream on the pumpkin pie would help!

Charleston Catholic / Clay Center Project said...

Wow! Just... wow.