Final score of today's Confed Cup match:
Italy 3Number of goals scored by New Jersey-born Italian striker Giuseppe Rossi:
US 1
2Speaking of turncoats . . .
Musings about the important things in life - law, politics, music, racing, soccer, etc. - an "eclectic blend of miscellany"
Final score of today's Confed Cup match:
Italy 3Number of goals scored by New Jersey-born Italian striker Giuseppe Rossi:
US 1
2Speaking of turncoats . . .
Posted by
JD Byrne
8:23 PM
You get a choice between playing for the Patriots and playing for the Raiders...which team do you pick?
(hint: ask Randy Moss)
Yeah, well, Randy couldn't play professionally for the Belle Bulldogs, could he? ;)
I don't begrudge Rossi his desire to play for Italy, who have won multiple World Cups, after all. Unlike some of the loons at Big Soccer, I don't want his citizenship stripped, nor did I want one of our players to whack him with a vicious tackle yesterday.
But still, it wounds particularly deeply when our 1-goal lead against said champs vanishes in a moment of brilliance perpetrated by a Jersey kid!
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