Friday, August 20, 2004

This Is Why I'm Not Religious

Stupidity and religion go hand in hand so often, but this just about takes the cake. An 8-year old girl in New Jersey is being denied communion in her local Catholic church because, due to the girl's allergy to wheat, she cannot consume traditional wheat-based communion wafers. One would think that here in the 21st Century the Church might have a solution for those who are incapable of eating wheat. I guess it does, in a way - you just go to hell. Wheat-less wafers, the church says, aren't sufficient stand-ins for the body of Christ, apparently (I had no idea Christ was composed of wheat). My advise to the girl's family: when your chosen faith damns your child to hell because of a medical condition, they the powers that be to go fuck themselves and just move on.


Ken Lammers said...

Or, the mother could let her daughter take the sip of wine which is not harmful to her daughter and fully fulfills the obligation.

While I agree the Church's position is stupidly over doctrinal, the mother is being just as obstinate.

JD Byrne said...

But if non-gluten wafers are a no-no, how does the complete bypass of the wafer make things right? It doesn't sound like it is an either/or proposition (but I could be wrong about that).