Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Flash Fiction Friday #4

Since I missed last week, I figured I'd get this week's entry in early. With title-stealing apologies to King Crimson . . .

NOTE: I've taken this story down for retooling and/or submission elsewhere.


Bk30 said...

ROFL! Oh that was good, fast paced, whitty, nope nothing bad to see here folks..except for that pugnent elephant dung!

Cath Smith said...

LOL LOL LOL! Love it. :)

John said...

This made me smile. Nice setup of Anne's character. I kind of wanted more out of the 'clear blue sky' -- it seemed to betoken a shift in reality that isn't then realized (as if a litigious elephant isn't unreal enough ;).

But maybe it comes in Chapter 2! Write it!

CaySedai said...

That was funny. I never thought of the elephant's side of things in politics. ;-)

listeme said...

"There's no such thing as defamation of species - not yet, anyway."

Hah, I loved this ... although I bet his pit bull buddy might disagree! Fun (and funny) story.

Kristina said...

Witty and fun--poor maligned elephant !

Mary Kay said...

Snarfed at suing the Republican Party. Good one!

Quick, clean read and funny to boot!