Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Album of the Day

A History of Madness, by Thinking Plague (2003): When it comes to "weird" music in my collection, Thinking Plague has no peer. While their 1998 breakthrough release In Extremis contained a fairly accessible chunk of RIO/avant prog, a lot of the rest of their catalog is pretty out there (I'd use parts of their first album to drive people from a room). More of this disc is on the weird side, to the point that I don't find much of it very compelling. Case in point, "Least Aether for Saxophone & Le Gouffre," 8+ minutes solo sax followed by soundscapes. Not really my thing. I will say, however, that they produced one of the best Duhbya-era song titles - "Our 'Way of Life' and 'War on Terra'". Of course, it's an instrumental!

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