Friday, June 06, 2008

90 in the Shade!

Since I'm well down on the totem poll in the courthouse family, I don't get to park in the garage in the basement (only 2 people in my office are so blessed, IIRC). So I park in the building across the street, which at least keeps the car out the weather and provides some measure of temperature control. After work today, I trudged across the street and fired up the Heart of Gold, which informed me that it was 90 degrees outside. That's in the shade of the parking building (it was 94 by the time I got home). In other words - it's pretty damn hot out there! And no signs of a break for several days.

Just for the record, are all the yutzes who made cracks about how global warming must be a scam during a cold snap last winter going to have a come to Gore moment in the middle of a heat wave? I somehow doubt it.

1 comment:

Elvis Drinkmo said...

Right on, brother.

I hate that shit. I had dandelions growing in my back yard the year after last in the first week of January. I was telling some boneheads about how that just isn't normal. A week later it snowed and they said, "see, there ain't no global warming". Of course, the snow was gone the next afternoon, but these guys stood firm in their conviction that global warming is something cooked up by a bunch of tofu eating tree-huggers trying to make an extra buck selling books to hippies.