Tuesday, June 03, 2008

How Many You Got?

Via Pharyngula, a handy dandy run down of the "sins" for which you can burn eternally:

Among the curiosities - gay women get dinged twice, there are some notable exceptions (murderers, non-child rapists), and what the hell does "sports fans" mean?!?

So, what's your tally? I can claim 8, I think, probably more depending on definitions. Oh well, I knew I was headed there, anyway!


jedijawa said...

You know ... it's a place where e-ternally, fire is a applied to the bo-dy.

I wonder if sports fans also included NASCAR folks?


crystal dawn said...

Weren't the Pagans practically wiped out with the coming of Christianity anyway....after they stole all of the pagan symbols to mean something else?

Also, Bingo night at the local church needs immediate suspension - no gamblers ya sinners!

I count 7, I think.

b said...

Maybe they mean fans of Water Sports..the R.Kelly kind.

The Film Geek said...



jedijawa said...

Hmmm...now that I count I think I have 13 too. Double damn.