Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Comedian Gets It Right

I'm honestly still on the fence on the Presidential election at this point. Neither Clinton nor Obama have "closed the deal" with me. Which is appropriate, I guess, because neither one of them can really win this thing outright, anyway. The only way to win outright is to capture a predetermined number of delegates which neither one is likely to do before the Superdelegates weigh in. It's a race to a certain point, not just a matter of who ends the process with the most delegates.

That being the case, the Clinton folks need to stop moving the goalposts. The criteria for what matters and what's important has shifted underfoot for months. But don't take my word for it:

Yeah, OK, he's a comedian making a joke. But he's right.


Paul said...

That clip is brilliant. He may be making a joke, but as in the great Renaissance plays, the "Fool" is often the only one who knows what's really going on.

JD Byrne said...

Good point, Red.