Pirates - they're not just for Johnnie Depp movies or Emerson, Lake, & Palmer epics any more:
A violent attack on a cruise liner off Somalia's coast shows that pirates on the Horn of Africa are becoming bolder and more ambitious in their efforts to hijack ships for ransom and loot, a maritime official warned Sunday.Who knew?
Pirates, they're not just for breakfast anymore.
You forgot to mention that the appearance of these pirates could represent a reversal of global warming trends. According to a recent empiricle study (www.venganza.org) the number of pirates has decreased across time as global temperatures have risen. Perhaps this shows that we are heading into a new ice age. Why isn't the mainstream media making a bigger deal about this?
Completely whiffed on the global warming link there. Altho' I think the pirates associated with his holiness the FSM would be a little higher class than this bunch.
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