Monday, November 28, 2005

Gimme a D! Gimme a R! Gimme a U! Gimme a G!

My brother sells drugs for a living. Cool your jets - he sells perfectly legal ones to doctors on behalf of one of the smaller pharmaceutical companies. Which made this story in today's New York Times jump out at me. It talks about how the drug companies are increasingly recruiting sales people from the ranks of college cheerleaders:

Anyone who has seen the parade of sales representatives through a doctor's waiting room has probably noticed that they are frequently female and invariably good looking. Less recognized is the fact that a good many are recruited from the cheerleading ranks.
Well, my brother is certainly not female or an ex-cheerleader (that I know of, at least), and I can't bring myself to say he's good looking, either (of course, I sort of look like him, so what does that say about me?). I guess that just means he has to work all that much harder. :)

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